Saturday 16 June 2012

What Do I Learn At Kindergarten?

A big thank you to our families who came along to the Parent Partnership Meetings. We value the opportunity to spend some time discussing the activities and learning that your child has been involved in and it is great to get to know you  better too. We believe that children learn holistically at kindergarten - by being immersed in day to day activities that are relevant, have meaning and are fun for a child.
Each child is supported as they learn and grow so please enjoy reading this from a child's perspective:

What do I learn at kindergarten?
I learn to be away from you - my parents - and this may take some time
I learn to be with teachers and other adults
I learn to be a with a large group of children
I learn to work alone, I learn to share and co-operate
I learn simple rules and routines
I learn to complete a task or activity
I learn to be independent, but not afraid to ask for help
I learn to select and choose
I learn to take responsibility for my belongings
I learn to share my family and experiences with others
Remember I will learn at my own rate, and this may be faster or slower than others. All the activities at kindergarten, both inside and outside are provided to allow me to develop as a happy, healthy person. I am able to explore, ask questions and make new discoveries with support from my teachers. Through climbing, building, digging and running I learn to organise and direct my play, while learning about my safety limits. My confidence and my physical strength will grow and I can challenge myself to complete new obstacles and skills.
I learn about my world as I explore by:
Finding out what things are called
How they work
What they are made of
How they feel, taste, smell, look and sound
How things grow, develop and change

At kindergarten I also develop skills which I will need later on in life. I learn to understand about letters, numbers, shapes and colours, the difference between big and small, top and bottom, left and right. I am also supported as I learn to handle books, pencils, paint brushes and scissors. Some of these fine motor skills will help me with my pencil grip when I go to school.
My language and my listening skills will grow with all the stories, poems, singing, rhymes and music that I hear. As I am doing, I am learning. Because I do not always take something home, does not mean I have not been busy. There are plenty of things for me to discover and explore like nature, blocks, the family corner, puzzles, games, sand and water. I learn through all the activities because I want to and it's fun.

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