Wednesday 6 June 2012

Volcano Fun

"Who wants to make a volcano" I asked when we were in the sand pit. I was immediately surrounded by several enthusiastic children who started piling sand up to make a 'huge mountain'. Anah came with me to get some vinegar and baking soda. The children took turns to spoon baking soda in to a container that we pushed in to the top of the mountain and they poured some vinegar on top.
Their comments were delightful:
Wow, look at that lava flowing", "It's all thick and gooey", "watch out it might be hot".
Activities like this science experiment can allow children to pose questions about the world around them and lets them see the result of two properties combining (vinegar and baking soda). Children discuss their thoughts and ideas and work collaboratively with their friends as they go through the process. I was impressed at how well they took turns and were considerate of each other.
Here are some of our photos- 

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