Friday 8 June 2012

Fire Truck Visit

Today the Firefighters from Ngaruawahia came to visit us. We were so excited and lots of children were singing the 'Firetruck' song before they arrived. We learned all about what to do if there is a fire at kindergarten and our clever children told the firefighters where our Assembly point is. One of the firemen put on all of his safety clothing to show us and he had a special mask. It sounded funny when he was breathing but we know it is very important for him to wear all of this clothing if he is called out to a fire.
The children sat in the cab of the Fire truck and got to hold and turn on the fire hose. The water shot way up in to the At mat time Karin read the Firetruck story and everyone sang along to the music.
Thank you to Neil (Torrin's dad) for organising this visit.

Have a look at some of our photos

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