Monday 26 November 2012

The new water feature

Over the past year we have been fundraising to build a new water feature in the garden. We have published a recipe book, had a ballroom dance social and have sold Oxford Pies.
We had two designs to choose from which we showed to our community for feedback.
Finally, we have had it built. It is amazing !!!

There is so much learning that happens. Children learn from exploring with their senses. They will be able to paddle in the water and climb over the smooth, river stones.

Their is early science learning as they pump the water using an old fashioned hand pump. Chidlren can make dams and float boats in it too.

We are an Enviroschool and can learn to conserve the water by catching it in one of the two pools and recycle it back into the holding trough. 

We are looking forward to cooling off in the water over the summer terms.

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