Wednesday 3 July 2013

Science experiments

Our kindergarten has been transformed in to a cool science laboratory and our budding scientists have explored different ideas, concepts and theories....
We have had some wonderful discussions and it is exciting to see the sustained interest and curiosity as the children make comparisons, ask questions, form their own opinions and make discoveries. We had a lot of fun too!

The Colour mixing experiment:

The exploding bag experiment:

Elephant Toothpaste:

Lava Lamps:

Ice exploration

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Outdoor literacy.

At Te Kowhai Kindergarten we don't believe in restricting literacy to inside. Lots of children like the freedom to learn in their outdoor environment. So they don't miss out on valuable literacy learning we bring activities outside. This morning we used shaving foam to write in. This gives the children a sensory experience. We also bring paints and craft activities outside to capture a wider range of children. We are strong believers in Foundation Skills for learning and children need to build up their motor skils, hand muscles and the attitude that learning can be fun. Sensory learning helps with brain development. We are preparing children for more structured learning at school.


Saturday 23 March 2013

Butterfly Creek Trip

It was a very excited group of children (along with our wonderful parents and helpers) who boarded the bus and headed for Butterfly Creek near the Auckland Airport. We had been learning about the life cycles of butterflies and frogs and we agreed that this trip would allow the children to see many different species of butterflies up close. There were several animal enclosures to visit and we saw 'Scar' the alligator being fed - he was huge! Some children were lucky enough to touch the baby alligator. "He feels all hard and bumpy" Torrin said.

Over at the animal farm there were baby rabbits, goats, mice and a kune kune pig. It was so good to see the children using gentle hands as they patted the animals. Karin didn't like seeing the cockroaches in the 'bug house' very much but everyone had fun on the train ride. It was a great day out and we received a lot of good feedback from the children and the parents/helpers who went on the trip. Thanks so much for your support.

Monday 4 March 2013

Smoking Kahawai

There has been a strong interest around fishing and beach life following the holidays and over the summer season. We have been very fortunate to have Michael (Rhy's dad) come in to prepare and smoke a Kahawai fish with the children. 
The children touched the fish's scales and even it's eyes to develop an understanding of the sensorial feelings of what a fish looks, smells and feels like up close.
Michael showed the children the teeth inside the fish's mouth while reminding them never to put their fingers inside a fish's mouth while it is alive. He also showed the children the fins and tail of the fish and explained how these help the fish to steer through the water while it is swimming.
Michael cut the fish's head off and cut it down through the middle to flatten it open. 
The children laughed as Michael showed them how to make a 'fish face' by holding the fish head out in front of their face like a mask.
The children sprinkled brown sugar and salt over the fish and left it to crystalize for ten minutes.
The smoker was prepared with Manuka tree wood chip shavings.
We dug a hole in our vegetable garden and buried the fish head and tail into the soil as fertilizer for the garden.
We could see the smoke rising from the smoker and smell the fish cooking as we were having our mat time. 
After mat time we sat in the shade and ate the smoked Kahawai while it was still warm. It was so delicious!

Thank you Michael.
The children's learning around fishing is extended as they get a close sensory experience and develop knowledge more indepth knowledge about the Kahawai fish and how to prepare and smoke it making it ready for eating.
Children are taking responsibility for our growing garden and Papatuanuku through making use of the discarded fish carcass by putting it back into the earth and helping to fertilize the soil.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Entertainment Books 2013

Coming soon - Entertainment Books.
This year these will sell at $60 and we get to keep $12 from every book. They offer lots of two-for-one and discount vouchers. If you don't want one yourself, please try and sell to a family member, neighbour or friend. They are well used throughout the district and very popular. Take into work places and see how many you can order. We are hoping to raise enough money for an I-pod and speakers as many of our popular cd's are scratched and we want to keep up with modern technology. Music is an important part of our curriculum and we use it every day.
Order forms will be coming in March or contact us for an order form.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Enviroschool update

Collecting rain water for the veggie gardens.

Watering the new corn.

Our baby pumpkin. We want this to grow HUGE so we can enter it in the competition at Te Kowhai school harvest festival.

We are very excited this term to be visited by our Enviroschool facilitators in April to see if we are ready for our Bronze award. Taking care of our environment is a huge part of our philosophy and curriculum. The children chose what veggies and fruit to plant before the holidays and we have come back in this term to find the garden blooming. The mixture of heat and summer showers over Christmas has helped the pumpkins, tomatoes, strawberries, snow peas, feijoas, apples, mandarins, lemonades and grapes grow. Unfortunately a sneaky possum has eaten the grapes and lots of apples. Part of rural living !  We harvest the water from the roof of our carpentry shed and use this to water our gardens. Our silk trees are in full blossom too and look stunning. Our children are learning to appreciate the natural beauty and seasonal changes in our garden.  

Sunday 3 February 2013

Welcome Back Everyone

It has been great to catch up with all of you as everyone returns from holiday. We have been so busy already and recently had our annual 'Water Fun Day'. The children arrived with all sorts of water toys including some huge super-soakers...all set to wet their friends and the teachers! We had lots of fun and laughs and got to enjoy eating an ice-block at the end of the morning. Well deserved I say. Have a look at some of the photos.
