Saturday 8 September 2012

Waikato Museum and Exscite Trip

Each term we organise a trip based on the children's interests. We had a discussion and decided that it would be good  to go to the Waikato Museum and Exscite Centre to do some exploring. When the children arrived at kindergarten on Wednesday the bus was ready and waiting, so we set off on our adventure. At the Museum we were met by Ray (the mad scientist?) who presented a session called 'How toys work'. He talked to the children about the ways that air, water, force, light and pressure can make toys work in different ways. He had all sorts of interesting toys and gadgets to show us and when he asked some questions, the children had lots of great answers and ideas to share. 
The interactive toys and games in the Exscite centre were also very popular. The children had complete freedom to test out ideas, play, problem-solve, make estimations and use their fine and gross motor skills as they attempted the activities. The huge Lego car, skeleton, paper planes, pendulum writer and grain machine kept everybody busy until we met to have some morning tea. What a fun and exciting way to learn about science.
A huge thanks to all of our parent helpers. We value your support and assistance.

Ray showing us one of his amazing toys. Look at the curious on-lookers. (Sorry about the picture quality).

Ray, seated at the bottom with our groups. 

Alex driving the car made from giant Lego blocks.

Kimberly and Conor - Lots of great questions, ideas and dialogue.

Kimberly tackles one of the puzzles.

Kandace and her mum, Natasha.

Making paper planes...this brought back memories  for some of us!

Now how does that pendulum work?..James and Tyler explore possibilities.

Jac, Rhys and Tayla...great problem-solving.

"What happens if?"......Ashlee and Kyah are making discoveries.

May and Aimee inside their car.

Morning tea time.